The Future Can Change in an Instant

It is amazing how your vision for the future can change in an instant. That’s what happened when my triplets were born early at just 25 weeks, weighing just a few pounds each.

I was devastated when, shortly after the girls were born, Corinne passed away from a rare heart defect, and Addison and Jocelyn both suffered brain bleeds. Words can’t express the pain and fear I felt. As I grieved the loss of Corinne, I was also told that if Jocelyn and Addison survived, the bleeding would cause cerebral palsy, a life-long disability caused by brain damage near the time of birth.

Thankfully, Addison and Jocelyn did not meet the same fate as my little Corinne. However, I couldn’t help but think about how living with cerebral palsy would impact their lives. Would they be able to walk, run, jump and play? Would I ever hear them say, “I love you, mommy?”

When Addison and Jocelyn were discharged from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, I was referred to UCP of Orange County (UCP-OC) where they began programs like physical and occupational therapy, which they still receive today.

Now at four years old, I can’t get them to sit still or stay quiet for long, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. UCP-OC helped my girls improve their mobility and find their voices, allowing me to hear them say “I love you mommy” after all. I am forever grateful to UCP-OC and the amazing team who has become like family. They have truly changed our lives.


Story told by Darcie Stress, mother of Addison and Jocelyn.

For more information on UCP-OC.

Life without limits for children with disabilities
