Sara, a local Los Angeles resident and mother of two, made the most of this unusual time during the pandemic and refused to let it hinder herself or her family. Sara and her two daughters have been a part of the Children’s Bureau family for multiple years. She first discovered Children’s Bureau while she was in school and looking for volunteer opportunities. She returned to the agency when she became a mother shortly thereafter and found herself in need of support.
“My life would be completely different, and I would be more at a loss if I did not encounter Children’s Bureau. I have grown as a mother,” shared Sara.
When the pandemic began in early 2020, like many other parents, Sara found herself playing a larger role in her children’s schooling and education and quickly became overwhelmed. However, for her family in particular, the pandemic proved to be a blessing in disguise and provided her the time she needed to connect with her children and their teachers.
“The pandemic has actually pushed me and challenged me more to be more proactive and find the resources and support I needed.”
By attending different workshops and programs through Children’s Bureau, Sara assumed the role as her children’s first teacher and became dedicated to providing her children with the attention and care they need to succeed. After learning about the importance of early child development, she has decided to go back to school to pursue a degree in Child Development and use what she has learned to support her community.
“Children’s Bureau set me up where I became this versatile person,” said Sara. “I hope that one day I can prepare myself so that I can give back to the community just the way Children’s Bureau has.”