Investing in the Long-Term Sustainability of Children’s Charities

Investing in the Long-Term Sustainability of Children’s Charities

Sandy Segerstrom Daniels, Managing Partner of South Coast Plaza and C.J. Segerstrom & Sons, founded Festival of Children Foundation (FOCF) in 2003 in response to the need in her native Orange County for charities to collaborate and fundraise for a greater collective impact. Since then, FOCF has created a network of 480 charities across America which are diverse in mission, thought, geography, and size, but share a common goal – to improve the lives of children. Today, FOCF’s network of member charities impact about 50% of our nation’s kids.
Partnerships in the business community have made it possible for FOCF to offer free programs that assist in maintaining well-funded, well-marketed, and efficient charities. Together, we have helped charities find success, translating directly into their ability to help children. Designated funding covers 100% of the administrative expenses, allowing support from our partners to be invested directly into programs to maximize their impact. Our programs have:

• Raised $4.5 million for innovative programs and cultivated new donors for the long-term sustainability of charities.
• Delivered 3,690 hours of continued education to build skill-sets that are vital for non-profit executives to become adept at meeting the challenges of an evolving fundraising landscape.
• Brought charities to the attention of 36 million of people, educating the public about the important work they are doing, conducting donor outreach, recruiting volunteers and seeking collaborative opportunities with like minded organizations and individuals.
Now, as COVID-19 is changing the landscape for charities, FOCF is responding with emergency programs to offer added support:

• A COVID-19 Crisis Page was launched to bring immediate relief from the public to charities impacted by the pandemic.
• $840,000 of cutting-edge fundraising software licenses has been distributed as charities are becoming more reliant on online fundraising.
• Weekly Q&As hosted by Justin Wheeler, CEO of Funraise, are helping charities get the most current insight on topics such as: transitioning to digital fundraising, and understanding how the CARES act applies to non-profits.
• “Let’s Pony Up for the Kids,” a national fundraising effort in July, helped fund some of the greatest needs of children’s charities affected by the economic crisis of COVID-19.
In an effort led by Sandy and Festival of Children Foundation, the United States Senate declared September as National Child Aware- ness Month (NCAM) for the 13th consecutive year with the passing of S.Res. 678 on August 6, 2020. NCAM’s purpose is to bring our focus back to our children – the one resource that guarantees greatness in the future.
September has been a time when the community gathered at South Coast Plaza for the annual Festival of Children® to connect and learn about the charities serving Orange County. While this will not be possible during this pandemic, the charities need the community’s support now more than ever. So, in response to this unprecedented crisis, this year’s Festival of Children® will be celebrated online. Join Festival of Children Foundation this September at and let’s “Pony Up for the Kids”!
For more information, contact Cassady Taylor, Executive Director of Marketing & Public Relations


Like all 19-year-olds, we are celebrating virtually this year.

Every September, for the last 18 years, we’ve gathered folks young and old together at South Coast Plaza for the annual Festival of Children®. Here people learn firsthand about the incredible organizations in Southeern California working to improve the lives of kids.
This year, these kid’s organizations need our help more than ever. So we are making this year’s theme “Let’s Pony Up for the kids” and we are asking each of you to join us at our Virtual Festival where we hope to make a bigger impact than ever before!
To Learn about all of the amazing organizations and to make your donation, visit us at the Virtual Festival at


Contact: Cassady Taylor
Festival of Children Foundation
(714) 438 – 3205


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