Your Support Makes a Difference!

Now more than ever, kids’ charities across America need your help to survive!
When you donate to Festival of Children Foundation, your gift goes further.
Our mission: To improve the lives of children by strengthening the charities that serve them.Your gift today supports the programs Festival of Children Foundation offers free to our nearly 500 member charities across America, including:
– continuing education webinars for charity executives
– online fundraising software
– participation in fundraising opportunities

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Charity executives have received online continued education through educational podcasts

Live Seminars

Our children’s charities benefit from our series of workshops and seminars led by experts in the nonprofit field, offered free to members. These seminars offer our member organizations best practices and provide continuing education to group leaders and staff.

1 Foundation
Hundreds of charities
Millions of children

100% of administrative costs are covered by committed funding, allowing donations to go further in direct support of programs and services.